$18,000 Reimbursement for Surgery Center

$18,000 Reimbursement for Surgery Center

Executive Summary

In 2019, PVS took over the personal property tax compliance responsibilities for a surgery center company, whom has centers nationwide. In reviewing the prior year filings for their centers, PVS identified two of their centers in the state of Maine, which had not previously taken advantage of a personal property tax reimbursement program.


PVS sought out the necessary documentation from the local assessing offices, as well as coordinating with our client to obtain payment receipts and other necessary documentation that are required to accompany the reimbursement application. Because of when the client engaged PVS and the due date of the reimbursement application, it left a short window of time to obtain the documentation and file the necessary applications.

How PVS Helped

PVS analyzed the tax payments made by these centers in the previous calendar year and had identified the payments that qualified for reimbursement. PVS prepared and filed the appropriate reimbursement applications for both centers to claim the reimbursement.


PVS was able to obtain over $18,000 in tax reimbursement between the two centers, for the client.

In reviewing the prior year filings for their centers, PVS had identified two of their centers in the state of Maine, which had not previously taken advantage of a personal property tax reimbursement program.

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