We Specialize in Complex Properties
Property Valuation Services contracts solely with businesses that own and operate special purpose, income-producing complex properties.
Our Core Services
Commercial Real Estate
Strategically located in the middle of the country, Property Valuation Services gives special attention toward understanding the client’s properties from an analytical…
Business Personal Property Tax
Property Valuation Services has a diversified group of Healthcare and Tax professionals specializing in the review of valuation methodologies (CAMA) and how it relates to a property’s true fair market value.
Healthcare Real Estate
Securing Property Tax reductions, abatements and refunds for Healthcare Properties is our specialty.
Healthcare Personal Property
Our healthcare business personal property services cater specifically to the needs of healthcare facilities. With expertise in valuing and assessing personal property assets, we provide accurate and efficient valuation services for medical equipment, furniture and other assets.
Appraisal Services
Business personal property tax audits can create large tax liabilities as well as large levels of anxiety. Let experts help you.
Audit Tax
How Is Property Tax Calculated And Collected? There are two main components to your annual property tax bill.
Texas Property Valuation
Texas has one of the highest property tax rates in the United States. Since 2006, most properties have been seeing substantial increases in tax year after year.
Appeal/Protest Property Taxes
When reviewing commercial real estate or business personal property tax, taxpayers should not assume the assessment placed on their property and the corresponding property taxes are accurate. Values that are computer-generated with minimal information involved or based on inaccurate depreciation tables could result in you paying significantly higher taxes.
Latest News

Commercial Real Estate Property Tax Protest Success Stories
Dealing with commercial real estate property taxes can be complicated, especially when considering a property tax protest. A property tax protest is a formal challenge to a property’s assessed value

Timing, Taxes and Texas Property Tax Appeal Options
If you didn’t file an annual appeal this summer, Texas offers a second chance protest opportunity called a 25.25 appeal, filed before your taxes on the property become delinquent.

Successful Business Personal Property Tax Appeals
Business owners deserve clarity and expertise when navigating the complexities of business personal property tax appeals. At Property Valuation Services, we understand the complexities of property taxes and the importance