PVS provided a fresh look at the appraised value for an assisted living facility in Wichita, Kansas.
PVS filed an appeal and had the error corrected for the present year and four prior tax years,
obtaining a refund of nearly $40,000 for our client.
After a thorough review of the county’s appraisal details, our real estate team caught a glaring error in the tax assessor’s records that caused years of over-assessment and inflated property
taxes. The county tax assessor had listed over 100 “units” of a gazebo on the property but had
erroneously recorded the units as the “number of gazebos” rather than the gazebo’s square footage. This clerical error led to an overvaluation of almost $600,000 in market value, approximately $10,000/year in property taxes.
PVS prepared an analysis of taxable value, explained position for tax reduction and explored and pursued all reasonable beliefs in this process. PVS filed an appeal and had the error corrected for the present year and four prior tax years, obtaining a refund of nearly $40,000 for our client.