Saving $15K for a Dialysis Clinic

Executive Summary

The account for a dialysis clinic continued to be assessed for two years after closing. PVS filed appeals for the assessments in both years and was successful in having the assessments removed.


Assessor offices often request further documentation when an account is filed as closed — this may include items such as a lease termination letter, a final utility bill, a receipt from a moving company, etc. Obtaining these documents from taxpayers can prove to be very challenging.

How PVS Helped

PVS contacted the assessor’s office and determined what specific documentation was required to close the account. Through further research, PVS also discovered that new ownership had taken over the location a year earlier than initially thought.


PVS obtained the required information and got two years of assessments removed, saving the taxpayer $15,000 in personal property taxes.

PVS saved a dialysis clinic $15,000 by removing two years of personal property tax assessments.

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