Custom Reports & Complex Assets
Can your tax consultant easily run custom reports for you or add additional fields that you may need to track with your tax data? More than that, can you easily run custom reports in Excel? An advantage to owning and developing our own tax software is the ability to accommodate special reporting or data tracking needs quickly and easily. We can create reports in Excel, PDF, XML, and CSV formats for easy integration with your workflow. Our Client Web Access also allows our Clients to run their own reports by selecting the data fields needed and exporting to Excel.
Does your current provider track the assets associated with your return? Most firms simply track additions and deletions, but we track at the asset level which helps identify ghost assets or additional areas of opportunity. This also gives us an advantage in obtaining and applying adjustments to ensure you are paying the appropriate tax amount for your complex assets. Our competitors do not spend the time to analyze individual asset values. However, PVS has developed multiple unique methodologies to revalue individual assets in an attempt to reduce our Clients’ property tax liability.