Gerhart Van Note

My name is Gerhart Van Note and I am the Senior Director of Real Estate for Property Valuation Services and oversee the entire real estate tax department. I started with the company in January of 2006. I attended Georgia Southern University. My favorite sports teams are the Atlanta Braves and the Georgia Southern Eagles.

Since being hired, we have grown from a department of three to sixteen highly qualified, motivated real estate tax professionals! The department consists of MAI’s licensed appraisers, licensed real estate agents and CMI’s just to name a few and are qualified to handle any property type in any jurisdiction!

In fact, our client base has grown from just over 40 to over 1,000+ since our beginnings. Our real estate parcel count has grown from 4,600 to currently 20,000+. We have seen tremendous growth and we owe it all to you, our clients!

It has always been the mission of PVS to work in the best interest of our clients. We truly value this mission and appreciate the atmosphere it creates. We view our team as an extension of your company and will always do what is in your best interest. To our current clients, thank you for allowing us to look after your property tax needs and we welcome the opportunity to serve any future clients in the same capacity.

Thank you again for your business and looking forward to serving your company needs for many years to come.

We have grown from a department of three to fifteen highly qualified, motivated real estate tax professionals! The department consists of MAI’s licensed appraisers, licensed real estate agents and CMI’s – just to name a few!

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