Texas Property Tax Appeal Options
Texas is heating up…right now! As a Texas property owner or lessee, you are either in property tax assessment reduction negotiations, attending protest hearings, or just finished your ARB proceedings and are awaiting your result. Remember, if you did not obtain the value you wanted, further appeal options may be available.
PVS is skilled in navigating our clients through property tax litigation, often obtaining additional value reductions through informal settlements or mediation. You have just 60 days to file to District Court once you receive your Board order, so don’t delay. If you didn’t file an annual appeal this summer, Texas offers a second chance protest opportunity called a 25.25 appeal, filed before your taxes on the property become delinquent. Your assessment must either contain a material physical error, such as erroneous sq. footage, or it must be 1/3 over market value to file this form of appeal.
This alternative is very intensive and is better discussed personally, so give PVS a call to determine if you qualify. We can be reached at 913-498-0790. You will not be disappointed!