
Tax Bills: How to Avoid Missteps

Tax Bills: How to Avoid Missteps

A common and unfortunate property tax misstep for companies involves tax bills. Your property tax bill is largely based on where your property is and what it’s worth. But keeping track of what you owe might not be as easy as it seems.


Tax bills look completely different from one jurisdiction to another. Here is a list of what you need to keep track of:

  • What you owe.
  • Who it should be paid to.
  • When the deadlines are.
  • Whether or not there is a discount if you pay early.
  • If there are installment options.
  • Comparing these bills against the original assessment notices to ensure the amounts are all correct can create problems. 

A misstep can lead to late payments that will then include penalties. No one enjoys paying their property tax bill, but paying penalties for an oversight makes the process even more frustrating. So, how can you avoid issues?

Our Services

We offer a large array of services, and one especially important one is tax bill approvals. Instead of hoping you receive your tax bill and can translate it, let us track your notices and tax bills for you. As part of our compliance services, we review your tax bills for accuracy along with submitting standardized approvals to pay tax bills. 

Not only will we upload these documents into your secure online client web access account, but we will review your tax bills for accuracy and send a standardized tax bill approval via email. This email will list who you send the payment to, when the deadline is, what discounted dates or installments are available and how much to pay.  We will also attach the original tax bill to your email for your records.

Property Valuation Services Is Here to Help

Tax bill approvals are just one of the many services that we provide. As a recognized leader in providing property tax solutions, we aspire to be the first choice of provider for a broad range of property tax and appraisal needs. We are committed to being a customer-focused organization whose detail-oriented work environment is embodied with quality, integrity and ethics, respect, exceptional communication skills, teamwork and accountability.

Your property values are our top priority. If you are a PVS customer, feel free to contact us for more information and updates. If you are not a PVS client but would like more information concerning your specific situation or would like to discuss the opportunity of becoming a client with PVS, please call 888-862-2722. As always, for more information, please go to our website.

We offer a large array of services, and one especially important one is tax bill approvals. Instead of hoping you receive your tax bill and can translate it, let us track your notices and tax bills for you.

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Everything You Need To Know About Business Property Taxes

Everything You Need To Know About Business Property Taxes

Managing business personal property taxes can be a tedious and intimidating process, especially if you don’t know where to start.  Businesses often overlook critical aspects during the filing process and are unaware that there are valuation methodologies they could be using to lead to a reduction in their tax liability. 

Understanding your assets and your local jurisdiction’s assessment guidelines will ensure you are only paying your fair share of taxes and will prevent your business from encountering problems further down the road.  Don’t let excessive business personal property taxes stand in the way of your business’ success.  The following guide will help you understand what to look out for this upcoming tax season.

Real vs. Personal Property Taxes

When most business owners hear the term “property tax”, they likely think of their real estate property taxes.  Just like homeowners must pay property taxes on their house, most understand that a business must pay property taxes on their commercial real estate.  A lesser understood concept is that businesses must do the same with their business personal property.  According to Smart Asset, a business’ property taxes will be listed under one of two categories: real property or personal property. 

Real property includes stationery assets such as buildings and land.  Personal property is categorized as intangible or tangible. Intangible property is property that does not derive its value from physical attributes.  Examples of intangible property are things like trademarks, patents, copyrights, intellectual property, and software. Movable items, such as equipment, furniture & fixtures, and computers, that are necessary to conduct day-to-day business fall into the category of tangible personal property (TPP). These assets are what a business would report when filing their business personal property tax return. 

Distinguishing between real and personal property isn’t always simple. For example, a heavy piece of manufacturing equipment that is attached to a building could be considered real property or personal property.  Filing hundreds of thousands of personal property tax returns and working thousands of personal property audits has taught us that this can also be confusing to county appraisers. Furthermore, there are times where a personal property appraiser considers an asset to be tangible personal property while their real estate counterpart down the hall included that same asset in the calculation of the same property’s real estate value.  Unfortunately it is not uncommon to find double taxation issues where an asset is assessed as both real estate and personal property. If there wasn’t an expert keeping an eye on both property tax types, the taxpayer could be out tens of thousands of dollars.

What is Business Personal Property Tax?

Items included on your business personal property tax return should be reported properly to ensure the account is being assessed correctly.  It is also important to review any assessment notices to confirm the assessor’s acceptance of the return or look to identify changes that may have been made. 

Business personal property tax is a self-reporting tax, meaning the taxpayer files a return that lists the tangible assets in their possession as of a certain date.  In most cases, the date the assets were acquired, and the cost of the assets are used to place the assets on a set of depreciation tables to account for the loss in the assets value as they get older.  As assets depreciate differently, the set of tables typically includes several tables that account for the loss of value at different rates.  In order to avoid over assessment, and therefore, overpayment of property taxes, it is imperative that the assets be placed on the appropriate table.  For example, furniture & fixtures might depreciate over 10 years while computers will depreciate faster due to advances in technology.  Assets that fall into business personal property include:

  • Furniture & Fixtures
  • Machinery & Equipment
  • Computer Equipment
  • Office Equipment
  • Vehicles
  • Inventory

How To File

Business personal property filing requirements are different in each state. Additionally, in some states, each jurisdiction may have unique guidelines and protocols to follow.  As technology advances, some states are also now offering online options to file your return.  As a business owner, you must stay up to date on guidelines and deadlines. Also, be aware that not all states tax personal property – Crowd Reason identifies twelve states that don’t assess business personal property taxes. Check each assessor’s guidelines to know how and when to file to avoid any penalties.

 Outsourcing the filing of your business personal property tax returns reduces the risk for mistakes and can save you money on your taxes. Hiring a property tax consulting firm like Property Valuation Services can help you better understand your state and local statutes regarding the taxation of personal property. PVS specifically tracks and evaluates the value of business personal property efficiently through their customized tracking and filing system. They have developed asset specific valuation methodologies that allows for the revaluation of equipment, much like they do for real property accounts.

One of the major issues facing the 2021 filing season is the impact of COVID-19, according to Technical Director, Chip Saam. The pandemic may have affected the fair market value of equipment. The impact COVID-19 has had on equipment is not as straightforward for each industry. For example, some would argue that medical equipment has depreciated faster due to increased usage during the pandemic and, therefore, has lost value. In this view, the market value for certain pieces of medical equipment has decreased compared to normal market conditions. On the other hand, businesses like movie theaters and restaurants may be seeing the fair market value of their equipment depreciate at a slower rate due to decreased usage.  This change in the normal fair market value assessment process may cause drastic changes to previous business personal property appraisals depending on your industry.  Businesses should keep the effects of COVID-19 on the market value in mind when looking at the valuation of equipment. 

States with high property tax rates, like Texas and Virginia, thrive on tax revenue to support economic growth. Increasing valuations pose a problem for business owners who have little understanding of valuing their business personal property when comparing values to market data. Texas also often levies forced assessments on those businesses who are not properly filing their renditions.  In addition to the proven reduction/revaluation techniques listed above, PVS has a bot that consistently searches and populates a database with the resale costs of high-technology equipment, so they can prepare returns based on actual market value as another means to save you money.

How Business Personal Property Audits Affect Your Business

A Business Personal Property Tax Audit can result in unexpected tax liabilities, penalties and interest that can bring unexpected consequences to a company’s financial situation. PVS makes tax audits simple by reducing the amount of financial information auditors have control over and can defend audit assessments with concrete data to support lower values and taxes. Services like theirs can save your business from these additional taxes and possible penalties and interest. 

The auditing process can be a time burden on your company. When auditors examine your business’s financial information, they often request items outside of the scope of completing an audit of your personal property tax return and this can take up time from your staff.  Additionally, some audits can cover periods of up to four years resulting in a time-consuming information gathering process.  PVS consultants give auditors what they need, nothing more, and work in your best interest to reduce liabilities and protect your rights as a business owner.

Other Issues That May Impact Your Personal Property Tax Liability

Your business may qualify for tax exemptions that aren’t currently being incorporated into your personal property tax return filing. Led by experienced property tax professionals and a licensed ASA Equipment Appraiser, PVS has been able to save companies millions of dollars by reviewing the methodologies used in preparing prior returns. They were able to save three movie theater corporations over $4M in property taxes through these methodologies, in addition to hundreds of millions of dollars saved by their healthcare clients.

Property Valuation Services Is Here to Help

Property Valuation Services is changing the way businesses file their business personal property tax returns. As a recognized leader in providing property tax solutions, PVS aspires to be the first choice for a broad range of property tax and appraisal needs. They are committed to being a customer-focused organization whose detail-oriented work is embodied with quality, integrity, ethics, respect, and exceptional communication with our clients.

Completing an analysis of the previous year’s filings will mitigate risks involved in your business personal property taxes. PVS can do the work for you by analyzing your previous year’s filing, revaluing assets, accelerating depreciation, tracking assessments, reviewing tax bills for accuracy, and semi-annual reports.

Your property values are top priority at PVS. If you are already a PVS customer, thank you for trusting us with your property tax responsibilities and we hope that you learned a little more about the detailed process PVS goes through in providing personal property tax services.  We’d like you to consider us an extension of your tax department and we look forward to continuing our relationship. If you are not a PVS client but would like more information concerning your specific situation or would like to discuss the opportunity of becoming a client with PVS, please call 888-862-2722. For more information, please visit the website.

Real property includes stationery assets such as buildings and land. Personal property is categorized as intangible or tangible. Intangible property is property that does not derive its value from physical attributes.

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The Business Challenges of Managing Tax Payments In House

Choosing the Right Property Tax Firm: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to making tax payments to jurisdictions on time, many businesses have learned that maintaining compliance is challenging, complex and inherently laden with financial risks and operational headaches. And with the recent surge of remote work, tax payment processing has only become more problematic for many businesses. These challenges are unlikely to go away anytime soon, for a few reasons:

  • Tax compliance is increasingly complex according to the Tax Policy Center. The current tax system in the U.S. didn’t come to be all at once – it developed as a result of additions, subtractions and changes to the tax code made through legislative bills over time. It’s unlikely that taxes will get any simpler for businesses anytime soon. 
  • Tax compliance is costly and time-consuming. The time, money and resources it takes for individuals and businesses alike to comply with the tax code are significant. According to the Tax Foundation, tax compliance alone costs the U.S. economy $409 billion every year. 
  • Tax compliance is not a core competency. Compliance and risk management systems are designed to protect organizations and limit liability, but they aren’t necessarily productive when it comes to adding value, according to Harvard Business Review. As a result, maintaining compliance for complex issues, like tax, can be an internal resource drain for businesses that prevent them from focusing on other, more competitive, areas. 
  • Check payments are unwieldy and expensive. Bank of America estimates that issuing a paper check costs businesses between $4 and $20 per check. Many tax jurisdictions still require paper checks and returns to be physically mailed to their location. The cost and operational demands of managing paper checks and returns should not be underestimated.

Businesses who manage their tax payments in-house are likely to have additional costs, see inefficiencies in their process and work harder to overcome unnecessary challenges. Here are some of the biggest challenges of managing tax payments in-house.

Paying Taxes to Multiple Jurisdictions is Complex

Not all jurisdictions accept tax payments the same way. Some jurisdictions require that payments be submitted via paper check along with a printed return, while others require electronic payments through their own payment portals – and these requirements can change over time. Businesses who attempt to keep up with changing formats and guidelines themselves will have their work cut out for them.


It’s unlikely that tax regulations and jurisdictional requirements will become any simpler in the future – you only have to look back to South Dakota v. Wayfair for an example of a recent, major legislative shakeup. It seems more probable that staying compliant will only continue to become more complex and difficult for businesses, especially those with many tax jurisdictions to pay.  


Maintaining compliance requires keeping track of large volumes of forms and mailing addresses and visiting multiple jurisdictional websites to facilitate online payments. Businesses that can’t keep up run the risk of triggering audits, governmental interference and incurring costly expenses in the form of penalties and interest fees. 


Whether the business is paying sales and use taxes, property taxes, excise taxes, business licenses and/or registrations – or some combination thereof – it’s a complicated environment.

Managing Taxes Can Be Costly & Inefficient

Businesses may be throwing too much staff, time, money and energy at a resource-draining tax process. Too often, they may not have the staff necessary to maintain tax compliance or manage tax payments efficiently. Processing tax payments adds a burdensome workload to existing internal departments.


Managing tax payments can be labor-intensive and costly. Tax compliance pros will need to study and understand guidelines for each tax type and jurisdiction. Then, a busy accounts payable (AP) or treasury department will have to process the payments quickly and in line with jurisdictional requirements. 


This interplay between departments can be a common point of misalignment and communication breakdowns. The AP or treasury department may be accustomed to paying bills within 30 days, not the quick turnaround time that taxing authorities often require. And tax personnel may not have the clearance to access canceled checks or check images to investigate claims of unpaid tax bills. 


Even when a company has quality tax software and dedicated staff, there is no guarantee that payments will be made on time. Multiple approvers for large payments can add to the time it takes to pay a tax bill, and expediting payments when necessary can be painful when it needs to run through multiple staff members for approval or processing.

Tax Payment Compliance is Not a Core Competency for Most Businesses

Most businesses don’t differentiate themselves from their competitors by paying their tax payments efficiently. Their customers simply don’t care about what goes on behind the scenes. 

To stay competitive, businesses need to focus on whatever it is they do best.


Compliance and risk systems are built to protect against liability, not drive productivity. For this reason, it’s crucial for businesses to delegate and outsource activities that don’t add to their value and bottom line. In this way, they can stay competitive, work on servicing their customers and continue to honor their core values.

Remote Work & Physical Locations

As an added complexity starting in 2020 with the pandemic, remote work is the current default for many businesses, with almost twice as many employees working from home than working in a physical office according to Stanford research. This shift may extend well past the pandemic – businesses are waking up to the fact that they can maintain operations with much of their staff at home on a full-time or part-time basis. A survey from Enterprise Technology Research reports that the number of employees working from home permanently is expected to double in 2021. 


But managing tax payments doesn’t mix well with remote work. While some tax jurisdictions can be paid online and by electronic payment, many jurisdictions still require paper checks and physical returns to be mailed. 


Printing paper checks and returns, and then mailing them to jurisdictions, is going to be much more difficult for internal staff to manage when they can’t be in the office. What was a labor-intensive or time-consuming process before may now be completely unrealistic without regular access to company checks and mailrooms.

The Case for Outsourcing

Paying taxes on time and in compliance is essential. But businesses who manage the process themselves may spend too much time, energy and money doing so. It also comes with risk – making late payments can result in penalties and interest fees. And remote work is making it difficult to keep up with the issuing and mailing of physical checks and paper returns. 


Traditional payment processes do not lend themselves to the unique demands of the tax payment process. But automated solutions can facilitate transactions, provide insight into payments and enable individuals to more effectively oversee the entire payment process. Companies that invest in automation are taking a step toward systemizing their tax management and minimizing overhead costs.


The benefits of automating tax payments include:

  • No more keeping track of jurisdictional compliance. When it comes to paying taxes, keeping track of which jurisdictions to pay, and how much to pay them, is only part of the problem. You’ve also got to keep track of how each jurisdiction accepts payments and returns. Keeping up with hundreds or thousands of taxing jurisdictions, and how to remit payments to each one, is a huge undertaking. Automating your tax payments with a payment processor shifts this work off your shoulders.
  • No more devoting resources to payment processing. Your AP and Treasury departments are already managing many financial aspects of your business. Processing large volumes of tax payments each month is a further drain on time, money and resources. Outsourcing will take away this workload, and can help you avoid delays and costly penalties or fees.
  • The ability to focus on your organization’s strong suits. When businesses can remain compliant with tax regulations and debts without having to devote a burdensome amount of time, money and resources to the process, they have a greater ability to focus on their core competencies.
  • Remote work is no longer an obstacle. Across the country, many tax jurisdictions still require paper checks and tax returns. But widespread remote work can make it more difficult to process physical checks and documents. Outsourcing your tax payment process to an organization with large-scale printing and mailing capabilities will ensure your checks and returns are handled efficiently and on time. 


While taxes are an inevitable cost of doing business, the burden of paying them can be mitigated with an effective, automated solution from an experienced payment processor.

About Anybill

Since 2001, Anybill has provided tax payment automation to many of the world’s largest companies and organizations. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., Anybill is SSAE 18 SOC1 Type II and SOC2 Type II compliant and HIPAA compliant. 


Anybill works with clients across all industries, and partners with accounting firms around the country to automate their clients’ tax payments. The company’s combination of technology, service, treasury and payment processing capabilities make it a unique solution for tax payment challenges. 

To learn more about how Anybill helps automate the tax payment process, visit

Businesses that manage their tax payments in-house are likely to have additional costs, see inefficiencies in their process and work harder to overcome unnecessary challenges.

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Case Study

Benefits Of Business Personal Property Tax Savings

Benefits Of Business Personal Property Tax Savings During A Time When Companies Are Looking For Ways To Save Money

Some thought this was going to last for years. Some thought this wasn’t a big deal. Others even thought it was a hoax or government conspiracy. No matter where you fell on the scale, we can all agree that 2020 was filled with anxiety as no one really knew what was going to happen long-term.

No more going to work, with the lucky ones being able to transition to working from home. Businesses struggled to find ways to mitigate their losses. Restaurants and movie theaters closed, hotels became virtually empty, schools shut their doors and everyone had to learn to live a different life.

According to the New Jersey Business Magazine, 81% of small businesses lost revenue at an average rate of 30% during the pandemic. Nearly all business types saw decreases in revenue, had to lay off or furlough employees, figure out working from home and many shut down all together.

COVID-19 has hit small businesses particularly hard, with 81% reporting that they have financially suffered this past year, according to a new survey by Wiss, a Florham Park-based full-service accounting and strategic growth advisory firm, and Sapio Research. Twenty-seven percent of respondents said they experienced a “dramatic income loss” because of COVID-19, with 30% being the average revenue loss.

Small business owners and executives impacted by COVID-19 have made budget cuts, applied for loans and have even tapped into their personal savings to survive.

  • Nearly half of small businesses surveyed have cut spending because of COVID-19.
  • 60% applied for a PPP loan,which 26% received (including 41% of those in 100 – 499 employee-sized companies and just 17% of under 25 employee companies)
  • 21% have furloughed staff and 16% have laid off staff
  • 20% used business savings or borrowed from a business line of credit (12%)
  • 21% tapped their personal savings; 8% borrowed from their retirement accounts; and 7% took out a personal loan.
  • Nearly 10% of businesses reported closing due to the financial impact of COVID-19.

Our clients include major health care organizations, manufacturing facilities, water sanitation and movie theaters who had to find ways of surviving just like most did. In a time where everyone is looking for ways to increase profitability by increasing revenue and/or decreasing expenses, there is an untapped resource that most companies have no idea could be their saving grace (pun intended).

Every year, all businesses (except in a handful of states) are required to pay property taxes on the assets they own and utilize to operate their business. This includes equipment, computers, furniture and, in some states, inventory and supplies.

The Texas Taxpayers and Research Association states there was over $231 billion in taxable Business Personal Property value in the state of Texas alone in 2016. This association goes on to clarify:

“Texas’ property tax applies to all real estate (land and improvements). Texas’s property tax also applies to tangible personal property (furniture, machinery, supplies, inventories, etc.) used in the “production of income,” i.e. business-owned property. Personal property owned by individuals is specifically exempted. Inventories of raw materials and finished products is a key part of business tangible personal property.”

For some, this is negligible. For others, it means hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in tax liability. It is an odd truth that this is usually an overlooked accounting function, even though it results in one of your largest annual expenses. Also, most have no idea what goes into filing these returns as it is just something their accountant handles every year.

So what is the problem? There are thousands of property tax firms across the country, over a million accountants and 32.5 million businesses in the United States, all who prioritize federal taxes, income taxes and real estate property taxes. Most of these companies do not fully understand there are opportunities to reduce their business personal property tax burden. It is commonly thought of as an annoyance that includes filing an annual return and paying a tax bill.

The solution? Revaluing business personal property assets and analyzing asset lists. First, communication efficiency needs to improve within the company’s departments. When a company stops using a piece of equipment, whether it is a plastics molding processor or phone system, no one thinks to tell the accounting department. The only reason someone in accounting or tax knows of a new acquisition is due to the purchase process. Years later, one of my experts gets a hold of an asset list to scrub and finds multiple assets we can delete due to their removal or possible lack of use. These are called “ghost assets” and result in large reductions. It is unfortunately a common occurrence for an asset list to be inaccurate.

Next comes revaluing assets themselves. With the right expertise and data, high-tech equipment can be revalued. We look to first break an asset down into component costs. With information our licensed equipment appraisers obtain through collaborations with manufacturers, we can identify exemptions on certain components or aspects of the equipment. The trick is not only having the data and expertise to perform this type of calculation, but also understanding the thousands of taxing jurisdictions’ different statutes and exemptions possibilities. For example, what can be exempt in Dallas County might be different than Tarrant County. This leads to lower costs, lower values and therefore lower taxes.

Additionally, with the right information certain assets can be moved into faster depreciation so that each year you are responsible for less taxes.

Last, and closest related to property taxes on the real estate side, would be finding comps. With a database that searches and finds the resale of our client’s assets we can argue for a fair market value of some of these larger assets.

There are multiple states who tax inventory and supplies that also allow for the partial exemptions of their inventory based on the percentage of products sold outside of said home state. This is not as easy a calculation as you would think, so having a tax expert file your returns who can also analyze your inventory and sales is huge. We have saved clients six figures in property taxes in a given year by properly filing for their Freeport Exemption.

For those of you who feel as though this seems like a lot, it is. Our consultants spend much more time filing a return than your current accountant. Scrubbing asset lists looking for errors and ghost assets, revaluing equipment, reviewing potential changes in depreciation, analyzing inventory and sales for exemptions and filing the most accurate return possible to save you tax dollars is not a ten-minute process. What most deem an annual burden, we look at as an opportunity.

PVS was started in 1997 with the unique expertise in high-tech medical equipment valuation. For nearly 15 years, their expertise and reputation grew to where they worked with nearly every major healthcare company in the country. Virtually every for-profit hospital corporation, imaging company, surgical organization, dialysis group, oncology and others now use PVS to file their returns and have benefited from hundreds of millions of dollars in tax savings.

In 2011/2012, PVS started working with a joint venture movie theater projector distribution/leasing company and saved them $4.2 million in property taxes by utilizing the same methodologies they had used on high-tech medical equipment. Then they started working with manufacturing facilities, water treatment equipment and other types of assets in the same manner.

These savings should be found during the process of preparing a Business Personal Property Tax Return (or rendition as it is called in Texas) for our clients. Most jurisdictions will accept our returns as filed, considering we provide the assessor all backup data and support for valuation changes.

Assuming you have already filed your return, the other option is to let PVS file an appeal of your assessment and see if there are any reductions we can make this year. Most jurisdictions have an appeals process, with a deadline listed on the assessment notice sent to the taxpayer. While these reductions are harder to obtain than if we had filed the return, it is an opportunity to run an analysis to file next year and save you money this year.

As we all look for ways to reduce our costs and increase our profitability, tax liability should be a no-brainer. How can we reduce our tax liability? First, hire PVS to monitor and analyze your real estate assessments, file appeals and reduce your real estate property tax liability. Hire a company like SALT Solutions (State and Local Tax Solutions) to review your AP and product taxability so they can obtain refunds on sales and use tax paid on items they can exempt. Last, have PVS revalue your business personal property assets and file your return. If already filed, let them look to appeal your BPP values.

Case Study

According to the New Jersey Business Magazine, 81% of small businesses lost revenue at an average rate of 30% during the pandemic. Nearly all business types saw decreases in revenue, had to lay off or furlough employees, figure out working from home and many shut down all together.

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Personal Property and Real Estate Property Tax Appeals Process

Personal Property & Real Estate Property Tax Appeals Process

Throughout the United States, every taxing jurisdiction calls the process of disagreeing with the assessed value of property different – they will either refer to it as a property tax appeal or a property tax protest. These two processes are treated in the same manner but called in different names. For example, in Kansas, it is referred to as a property tax appeal, but in Texas, they refer to the process as a property tax protest.

Business Personal Property

Determination of Filing an Appeal or Protest

After receiving a notice of value, a taxpayer or their representation will decide if they want to file a property tax protest on their account. This process will be the same for both personal property tax and real estate tax.

For business personal property tax, renditions are required to be filed on an annual basis to the assessing jurisdictions. If these aren’t filed annually, assessors can place arbitrary assessments on the account. In most cases, the acquisition date and cost of the assets are used to place the assets on a set of depreciation tables to account for the loss in value as the assets get older. As assets depreciate differently, these typically include several tables that account for the loss of value at different rates. The calculation of this value plus inventory and/or supplies (if taxable in the particular jurisdiction) is how the appraised values are calculated for personal property taxes.

Property Tax Appeal or Protest Process with the Assessor

Once you or your designated agent have decided to appeal your value, each jurisdiction has a process to follow. Pay attention to deadlines and the procedures for your particular jurisdiction. With your Notice of Value, there is typically an appeal form that needs to be filled out. If there isn’t a form, you can send in a letter, or some will allow you to file the appeal on their website. Some jurisdictions ask that you provide your documentation to support the value you are requesting prior to the hearing. If they have requested the information, perhaps the assessor and/or board is willing to work with you informally to resolve the discrepancy prior to the hearing.

Determination of Who is Correct

Because the State or County Assessor are government employees, it is often assumed that they are following state statutes or guidelines regarding general valuation, and they would like to believe they are correct in their methods. This is not necessarily the case, as PVS has developed multiple revaluation methodologies for assets to reduce our clients’ property taxes. That being said, solid backup data, research and sometimes legal arguments by experts are needed to support and defend value calculations or the board will ultimately side with the assessor.  

If the discrepancy is unable to be resolved informally, then you will want to attend the hearing to present your case. Once you have presented your case and the assessor has presented theirs, the board will either issue a ruling at that time or will wait until after everyone has left to determine the outcome. Once the outcome is determined, a notice will be issued to the taxpayer or tax agent regarding the case.

If the board does not side with the taxpayer, there is usually another step that can be taken. This step usually involves going to the State Board of Equalization. At this step, most of the time an attorney must be hired.

Real Estate Property

Almost all states across the country that impose real property taxes have a legal process in place for taxpayers to keep their real property assessments in line with the market. These assessment appeal processes are almost always annual and typically do not require use of an attorney. It is however recommended that taxpayers utilize industry experts such as property tax consulting firms since property tax consultants have a great deal of expertise and resources at their disposal to combat erroneous property tax assessments.

Determination of Filing an Appeal or Protest

Property tax assessments are often viewed as set-in-stone or predetermined — out of the taxpayer’s control. Assessors in towns and counties across the country are widely presumed to be correct in their valuation of real property and property assessment laws are generally written with the assessor’s presumption of correctness as a starting point.

Tax assessments are supposed to reflect the fair market value of one’s property. The market value of your real property is constantly in flux due to sales, changes in rental rates and changes in construction costs. For this reason, your real property assessed value should be monitored regularly. When was the last time you reviewed your property’s tax assessment?

Real Property Tax Appeal or Protest Stages

The real property appeal process varies from state to state, but in most cases, there are three main appeal stages: informal negotiations, board of review and litigation. Just as with business personal property appeals, there are deadlines to be mindful of when filing a protest of your real property assessment. 

Many taxpayers can find success at the informal level when being proactive and reaching out to their local assessors. If assessors begin to dig their heels in and decline to alter their assessment within the taxpayer’s requested valuation range, states typically have a process in place to have the appeal reviewed by a third party. This secondary appeal stage consists of either a hearing officer or a board of review composed of multiple members. 

Hearing officers and Boards of Review/Equalization do not always look at evidence as impartially as they should, so states have a third level of the appeal process established which generally requires engaging an attorney who specializes in property tax litigation. A cost-benefit analysis should be run when considering the litigation stage of a real property assessment appeal due to the costs involved with this extra stage. Not only are legal fees required but this stage will most likely require a full appraisal report to sway the opinion of the court. 

The litigation process for real property tax appeals can sometimes take years or even longer to resolve in certain instances. If the original assessment is far enough out of line, however, most will find that seeing the assessment appeal all the way to the end is worth the additional legal fees and appraisal costs.

Let PVS Assist With A Personal Property Or Real Estate Tax Appeals Process

Whether we are discussing real estate or business personal property, the bottom line is the same: do not assume that the values placed on your property and the corresponding property taxes are accurate. These values are computer calculated with minimal information involved. Reputable property tax firms, like PVS, have been cultivating and implementing valuation methodologies, developing relationships with assessors, and working to reduce our clients’ property tax liability for decades. There is something you can do about your high property taxes, and we can help.

Whether we are discussing real estate or business personal property, the bottom line is the same: do not assume that the values placed on your property and the corresponding property taxes are accurate.

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