
Gerhart Van Note

Gerhart Van Note

We have grown from a department of three to fifteen highly qualified, motivated real estate tax professionals! The department consists of MAI’s licensed appraisers, licensed real estate agents and CMI’s – just to name a few!

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Bryan Hileman

We use our expertise in both sales tax statutes and health care services, products and uses to identify creative new exemptions in order to file and achieve significant sales tax refunds dating back three to four years.

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Tom Tapko

During these summer months, we spend a lot of our time collecting values from the jurisdictions and reconciling any value discrepancies against the returns that were filed to identify issues that may require additional action.

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Jennifer English

As manager of the dialysis accounts, I not only correspond with all the clients but I also oversee a team of six consultants that handle the day-to-day tasks.

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Joe Knehans

Our team of consultants oversee all compliance aspects of our clients’ property tax portfolios. We manage the preparation and filing of the annual business personal property tax returns, as well as the analysis of the valuation issued by the tax assessor.

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Doug Geer

The hospital team has various clients across the country. We file over 200 hospital personal property tax returns annually and the returns for the clinics and other ancillary locations related to the hospitals.

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