
What Do Assessors Use to Assess BPP Taxes?

What Do Assessors Use to Assess BPP Taxes?
Hint: It’s Not Federal Depreciation

When a business opens, they acquire assets needed to operate, such as computers, copiers, desks, phones, machinery, etc. These items, for federal purposes, are categorized as follows:

  • Three-year properties such as tractors, tools and some livestock.
  • Five-year properties such as computers, office equipment, cars, light trucks and construction assets.
  • Seven-year properties such as office furniture, appliances and most other property not otherwise categorized.

Real Estate is written off over a longer period of time such as:

  • 27.5 years (residential rental properties)
  • 39 years (commercial buildings)

Over time you are allowed to depreciate the cost of these assets. Land, however, is not depreciable, but land improvements such as roads, sidewalks or landscaping may be written off over 10, 15 or 20 years depending on the specific nature of the asset.

Many businesses don’t realize that federal depreciation isn’t what most assessors use to assess their personal property taxes. A few states use federal depreciation for personal property taxes, including Missouri, Nebraska and South Carolina. Other states and/or counties develop depreciation schedules based on their research as to how long the useful life of certain equipment is. Once this is determined, they will then assign index factors (used to determine the replacement cost) and depreciation factors based on the useful life and age of the equipment. The overall factor is then used to calculate the equipment’s market value. If assets remain on your depreciation schedule, they are taxable for business personal property taxes — even if the netbook value is down to zero. This is partly why some assessors have depreciation rates that go down to a residual rate of 10-20% of the cost.   

While most of the time using federal depreciation would give businesses a more favorable value for business personal property taxes, there are other ways to arrive at a market value other than just using the county depreciation factors. When states set the depreciation tables for business personal property, there isn’t much research into the type of equipment, how long it might last, etc. Many states will keep the factors the same as last year or adjust them by altering the index factors.    

Another option owners have if they don’t agree with the factors being used by assessors to assign value to their equipment is to research the equipment’s market value and provide backup to support lower values for the equipment. We see this done quite a bit in Texas, where the business personal property rendition of the taxable property asks for the owners’ opinion of value.

If you need assistance filing your business personal property returns, be sure to contact a well-versed property tax professional. You want to make sure the one you choose knows the states your businesses are in.

Many businesses don’t realize that federal depreciation isn’t what most assessors use to assess their personal property taxes.

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Reasons Your Business Personal Property Taxes Could Increase

Reasons Your Business Personal Property Taxes Could Increase

Many states tax business personal property in addition to real property. Those that do tax equipment, require that an annual business personal property return be filed each year by a certain date. The local assessor’s office reviews the returns filed and calculates a taxable value for the equipment, most often by depreciating the cost of the taxable equipment reported on either their own local depreciation schedules or the state depreciation schedules. As a result, in most cases, newer equipment will yield a higher taxable value initially but will decrease over time in most places as the equipment receives another year’s worth of depreciation until it hits the residual depreciation factor for the schedule it’s being assessed on. There are a variety of reasons your personal property taxes may increase from the prior year.

Capital Expenditures During the Prior Tax Period

The most common reason is related to capital expenditures. If there are a large number of capital expenditures in a prior year, it is likely that the personal property taxes will increase. New construction or renovations of your business may require permits to be filed with local authorities. Based on these permits, an assessor may add value to a personal property account if they believe all or a portion of the cost is related to personal property and is not reflected on the annual business personal property tax return that was filed.


Assessors’ offices may also conduct field checks of businesses in their jurisdictions annually to ensure that all businesses in their respective jurisdictions are accounted for and are reporting an annual return. They may also request to tour the businesses to look for things like renovations or expansions, and they could potentially adjust the value they have on their tax rolls. Construction in progress that is equipment-related may also be taxable as personal property in some jurisdictions.

​​Audit Results

Another reason for your business property taxes to increase is if your business is selected for an audit. Audits are significant as they can impact not just the current year but preceding years as well — depending on the state statutes. Most taxing jurisdictions send out an annual business personal property return form notifying a taxpayer that they need to file. The forms often state the returns are subject to audit. Some states have very active audit programs (e.g. North Carolina, Tennessee, California to name a few). However, based on our experience, the majority of the states that tax business personal property do not have very active audit programs.


Regardless, if your business is selected to be audited, there is the potential that the audit discovers equipment that has either been omitted or erroneously not reported on the annual business listing submitted by the business. Additionally, equipment picked up in an audit may be penalized depending on the property tax codes for the local taxing jurisdiction. One example of omitted property would be certain types of fixed equipment or leasehold improvements. If the improvements are not already being accounted for in the real estate assessment for the property, the business personal property assessor may add them to the business personal property assessment. 


Other types of omitted property may be expensed assets, inventory and/or supplies. Some taxing jurisdictions require businesses to report the amounts a business had on hand as of the lien date or possibly a one-month average of the balance and the balances are assessed at 100% of their cost. 


Another reason your taxes can increase in an audit would be if the auditor disagreed with the depreciation schedule the assessor used to value the equipment and moved it to a slower depreciation schedule resulting in a higher taxable value for the equipment. Any discovery or increase in value from an audit could be subject to penalty. In North Carolina, audit penalties are steep. It starts as a 10% penalty on the additional taxes from the increase in assessment per the audit the first year, and the penalty increases an additional 10% each subsequent year included in the audit, assuming the equipment was owned as of the lien date for that tax year. That means if the audit covers four years and there is a discovery or increase in the assessment for whatever reason and it affects all four years being audited, you would be paying a 40% penalty on the increase in taxes from the audit for the oldest tax year being audited.


Assessors’ offices may also conduct field checks of businesses in their jurisdictions annually to ensure that all businesses in their respective jurisdictions are accounted for and are reporting an annual return. They may also request to tour the businesses to look for things like renovations or expansions, and they could potentially adjust the value they have on their tax rolls. Construction in progress that is equipment-related may also be taxable as personal property in some jurisdictions.

Leased Equipment

Leased equipment can also lead to an increase in business property taxes. Capital leases differ from operating leases in that operating leases are the responsibility of the lessor to report for business property tax purposes and seek reimbursement for the taxes from the lessee. However, capital leases can be either the lessor’s or the lessee’s responsibility to report to the local taxing jurisdiction the equipment is located in. It depends on the structure of the lease agreement. There are times when there is no clear language in the lease agreement to determine who’s responsible for reporting the equipment to the taxing authority and equipment can potentially be double reported by both the lessor and the lessee leading to duplicate taxation. 


At times, this can be challenging to correct as the cost and description of the equipment can differ between the lease contract and how the equipment is ultimately booked to the fixed assets of the lessee. Additionally, we’ve seen instances where operating leases end and the lessor files a final return for the equipment stating the lessee retained the equipment when the lease ended, and the assessor then added value for the leased equipment to the lessee’s personal property assessment. However, it was later discovered that the equipment was returned to the lessor when the lease ended. Lastly, state statutes differ as to who is responsible to report leased equipment, regardless of the verbiage in the lease agreement.

Depreciation Tables

Another reason your property taxes can increase is due to the depreciation tables used by the local taxing jurisdiction for business personal property purposes. For example, in Arizona, for equipment reported at its original cost and date, the assessor applies an additional depreciation factor that increases every year until it eventually meets 100%. If you’re reporting equipment that has been re-booked, meaning it’s being reported at the cost and date your business acquired an existing asset as opposed to the original cost and date of the equipment, the equipment is not eligible for the additional depreciation in Arizona. Since the additional depreciation factor starts at 25% and increases over time, it results in an increase in the taxable value of the equipment until the additional depreciation factor goes to 100%. The number of years the additional depreciation factor is used depends on the year-life schedule the equipment is assessed on. 


Additionally, for most depreciation schedules used to value the business personal property in Indiana, the factor used increases from the first year to the second year on new equipment purchases, so the taxable value of the equipment increases in the second year it’s owned before beginning to decline. Your property taxes can also increase due to the local taxing jurisdiction increasing their residual depreciation factors for the various schedules used to value the equipment. For personal property tax purposes in most taxing jurisdictions and most depreciation schedules, the taxable value of the equipment does not depreciate all the way down to zero. As long as it’s still owned by the business, it will eventually hit a residual factor where it will be valued until the equipment is no longer at the facility. How low the factor goes depends on the useful life of the asset, but an increase in any of these factors can lead to significant tax increases if your business has a lot of older equipment.

Abatement or Exemption Expiration

One reason you might see an increase in your property tax liability from the prior year is the expiration of an exemption or abatement from property taxes. Some local taxing jurisdictions will give businesses a partial abatement for a certain number of years to promote the development of an area.


For example, in Nevada, there is a 10-year and a 20-year partial property tax abatement for data centers if they meet certain state requirements, including investing a certain amount of capital assets in the county in the data center resides and requiring a certain percentage of employees engaged in the construction of the data center be residents of Nevada. In some instances, a business may be able to negotiate favorable tax treatment for a period, that typically is also tied to an agreed-to capital investment during the period of the preferential tax treatment. When these exemptions end or begin to be phased out, it can lead to a substantial increase in property tax liability that must be taken into account for budgeting purposes.

​​Tax Rate Increase

One somewhat unforeseen reason your property taxes can increase is due to an increase in the tax rate adopted by the local taxing jurisdiction. Most of the property tax revenue collected by local taxing jurisdictions go towards various government departments and projects within their jurisdiction, (for example, upgrades to existing roads or schools within the jurisdiction). Therefore, local taxing jurisdictions may increase their property tax rates to fund these projects. Some jurisdictions will list on the notice the budgeted tax rate if certain propositions are approved locally. Sometimes, these tax rate increases can be substantial. In 2020, the property tax rate in Nashville, Tennessee increased 33% from the prior year.

Assessor Errors

Another unforeseen reason your property taxes could increase is due to an error in the calculation of the personal property tax return. Assessors in bigger taxing jurisdictions process a large number of personal property tax returns, sometimes in a short period of time, and mistakes can be made. We’ve seen instances where an assessor’s office does not remove a deletion if it’s a larger piece of equipment that seems integral to business operations and there is nothing that appears to have replaced the equipment. Or they may ask for a disposal date before removing the equipment. Other times the deletions can just get overlooked by the assessor.


Additionally, there can be clerical errors. If the assessor were to accidentally key in another digit when entering in the costs reported by the taxpayer, it could significantly increase their property tax burden for the year. If these errors are found prior to the deadline to appeal the account, they typically can be corrected after discussions with the assessor and provide additional documentation if necessary.

Let PVS Assist With Personal Property Tax Renditions

For these reasons stated above — as well as the ever-changing landscape of property taxes — it may prove helpful to engage a property tax professional to provide not only the preparation of the personal property tax renditions, but also aid in the budget of expected taxes to ensure that your business is planning accordingly.

The local assessor’s office reviews the returns filed and calculates a taxable value for the equipment, most often by depreciating the cost of the taxable equipment reported on either their own local depreciation schedules or the state depreciation schedules.

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Celebrating 25 Years of PVS

Celebrating 25 Years of PVS

In 1997, Dave Dlugopolski was the Property Tax Manager at HCA, the largest hospital chain in the United States. Prior to this, he was the Assistant Vice President of a branch office of a national property tax consulting firm. Bob Hileman was a partner in a small property tax firm out of Overland Park, Kansas, and was an entrepreneur that had come from the healthcare industry, having owned or managed imaging companies in the past. They both had knowledge of property tax and healthcare and recognized the need for a more specialized consulting service in this industry. 

What better way to launch a company that specializes in both property tax and healthcare? That is where PVS began 25 years ago. We started with the two founders, and a few healthcare clients — and we grew from there. Our main focus in the beginning, as it remains today, is the delivery of high-quality, ethical consultation services throughout the tax industry.  We were extremely blessed at the beginning of our formation to have a network of business associations that allowed our initial clients to trust our consulting services. This trust continues to this day and has expanded exponentially. We are extremely appreciative of these first clients — and all our clients — for trusting in our services.  

For the first 10 years, the main form of growth for PVS was from existing client growth.  Primarily as our clients experienced our services, we were allowed to grow with them. As many of our clients grew, we grew as well. We did not establish a formal sales group until many years later.

By 2000, we had around ten employees. By 2010 we had grown to roughly 50 employees. As we start our 25th anniversary year, we have approximately 70 employees. 

Along the way, many people have joined PVS who have made a large difference in our growth, and we appreciate all of them. Shortly after the launch of our company Pam Carley, our longest-tenured employee, joined PVS just after graduating from K-State. She has grown with our company and is now the Director of the Personal Property department. We are so appreciative of Pam’s leadership within this department and thank her for her continued commitment to our success.

In February 1999, Monte Welch was welcomed into our company. He and Bob Hileman had worked together in years past within the healthcare industry. His availability provided PVS the opportunity to add to our healthcare experience and knowledge as we value and file many healthcare-related equipment personal property tax returns. Monte’s prior career experience has provided PVS with the needed real-world knowledge to value medical equipment. He has worked closely with much of this equipment and can describe its function in detail. Monte is currently the VP of Operations at PVS.

In early 2000, Kent Hileman joined the team and was the first employee in the real estate department. Building upon Dave Dlugopolski’s prior knowledge and experience in the real estate tax industry, Kent and Dave teamed up to grow the Real Estate Department of PVS, while saving clients money through appeal work. Kent has gone on to get his MAI (Member of the Appraisal Institute – the gold standard in commercial real estate appraisal), two ASAs (one in real estate and one in appraisal management and review), and a CMI (property tax designation), and then became a partner with PVS in 2011 after receiving those designations.

To add to our depth and expertise, Chip Saam was invited in 2000 to join PVS. Chip’s experience in both property tax and healthcare added greatly to the company. While employed at PVS, Chip has achieved his ASA (in equipment valuation) and is also a CMI with roughly 30 years of experience.

Gerhart VanNote, who has also been in the industry for 30 years now, was recruited to join PVS in 2006. Gerhart and Dave both started their tax consulting careers together at a national property tax consulting firm. Gerhart started at PVS as a senior consultant but is now the Senior Director of Real Estate.

Jenna Reyes joined PVS in 2007 directly upon graduating from K-State and has risen through the ranks quickly. She has also been instrumental in the growth and maintenance of clientele and the management of staff. Jenna is now the Director of the Real Estate department with 15 years of experience.

There are many more who have been at PVS anywhere from 5 to 15+ years and range from senior consultant to the director level. The length of time our employee base has been at PVS is a testament to how much we care about our employees, but also the management team in place. To name a few that are at the manager or director level and who have been important to our growth (in no particular order): Catherine Murray, Tyler Rognlie, Bryan Hileman, Jennifer English, Tyler Tackett, James Lee, Daryl Smith, Vanessa White, Mark Kinch. We significantly appreciate all of them.

PVS has grown steadily and consistently over the years, as a result of the people all mentioned above, because of the quality of work those people put forward, and the relationships they build with our clientele. We are extremely proud of the people we have and the work we do. Our mission has been to provide quality consulting in an ethical and trustworthy manner. Property tax consultants can have a negative image by many in the assessing world, but PVS has separated itself by doing things the right way and being transparent in everything we do.

Another factor that separated PVS from its competition early on was the development of its own proprietary in-house property tax software system. The company has invested significantly in developing and growing this system through the years. It manages everything we do, from filing personal property tax returns, to tracking assessments, tracking tax bills, providing tax bill approvals, etc. Essentially it is our life from soup to nuts. We also invested early on in other technology, making sure we not only have quality servers, quality security protocols, but also backups so that we can be back up and running should any disaster happen. 

Not everything has been easy, PVS has faced adversity as well over the years, as all companies do that have been around for 25 years. It’s never a cakewalk getting to a quarter-century. In our industry, as our clients have faced cost reduction measures and we have faced increased competition, contingency fees have compressed. We have also had large clients that have had to reduce their sizes and readjust their business models, as the government is continuously changing reimbursement and other factors. These changes were inevitable, and luckily PVS predicted/saw them coming. To get through this, instead of pulling back on employee counts, PVS bulked up their sales department and started branching outside of healthcare. Ten to fifteen years ago, PVS was 95% healthcare, but had the consultants and experience to work outside of those constraints. As a result, we started selling heavily in other property types and industries, including hotels, industrial, retail, office, and more. Healthcare consists of the most complex property types out there (think hospitals, surgery centers, senior living, etc.), so valuing other property types was already in our wheelhouse. In the last ten years, we have doubled our number of clients, working over 900 clients around the country in our 25th anniversary year.

As we hit 25 years of business, our goals remain the same with those of the past. We strive to provide high-quality, ethical, transparent property tax consulting service to our clients, helping them to stay compliant and reduce costs, which in turn, helps their businesses to thrive.  

We thank everyone who has been a part of our company’s past and will be a part of our future as well, to include our staff, clients, and other partners we have across the country, such as attorneys and appraisers. Thank you! We look forward to the next 25 years.

We offer all our clients what we refer to as our compliance services. For business personal property clients, these services are a part of the annual management fee collected that includes the filing of the return. 

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Take Advantage of All Our Property Tax Services

Take Advantage of All Our Property Tax Services

Our Comprehensive Compliance Services Include...

  • Understanding your business
  • Gathering pertinent information
  • Communication with the assessor, when needed
  • Preparing a return, when needed
  • Tracking the assessment notices
  • Analyzing the assessor’s value calculations
  • Filing appeals when necessary
  • Attending hearings when necessary
  • Tracking tax bills
  • Ensuring tax bill accuracy
  • Providing standardized electronic tax bill approvals
  • Providing two reports per year outlining account status and estimated property tax amounts for budget/accrual purposes
  • Client access to our remote web access portal
  • Tax planning for future projects
  • Q&A

Property Valuation Services is recognized as the country’s preeminent property tax consulting firm. We are known for saving our clients money by reducing their property taxes, however even our clients may be surprised to learn that under one roof we provide an extensive amount of expert services. We felt it would be a good idea to dive into the myriad of services our experts can help with and how it all connects.

When Property Valuation Services started 25 years ago, we only worked within the business personal property realm filing returns for healthcare companies using our unique expertise in medical equipment to revalue these assets and lower property taxes. Twenty-five years later, that expertise has expanded to include saving the three largest theater companies in the country millions of dollars in property taxes on their projectors, manufacturing facilities on their equipment, leased equipment and, of course, we are still the only firm in the country with our multiple proven valuation methodologies to lower healthcare equipment property taxes. This is evident by the clients within our portfolio. 

What you may not know is that we also house a licensed ASA equipment appraiser to assist in our valuation methodologies, tax base arguments, filings, appeals and hearings. He can perform formal appraisals, but as our Technical Director/ Quality Control Director, he spends his time ensuring our work remains detailed and of the highest level. Assessors trust when PVS files a value, it is accurate and thorough.

We started our real estate department with similar expertise as we did in healthcare. Focusing on what makes a healthcare facility specialized, PVS has developed valuation techniques to take advantage of this expert knowledge. From hospitals to medical office buildings, surgery centers, dialysis clinics, imaging centers, nursing homes and senior living facilities, PVS works thousands of healthcare parcels every year and are known throughout the country as the go-to firm for medical real estate consulting.

Not to be outdone, the real estate department also houses licensed MAI Appraisers so that they can utilize the highest level of expertise in the industry. Similar to our equipment appraisers, these appraisers do not perform a high volume of formal appraisals, instead this provides us the opportunity to further demonstrate expertise when representing our clients’ filing appeals and attending hearings. No property tax firm has to employ an appraiser, but PVS chooses to because we know it is what best helps our clients’ interests.

These appraisers are simultaneously employed by a separate company called Appraisal Solutions Group, owned by the same owners as Property Valuation Services. Should a formal appraisal be necessary and not related to an appeal by PVS, our appraisers can perform such an appraisal.  

Filing business personal property tax returns and appeals, working real estate appeals and performing appraisals are not the only functions happening within our building. We offer all our clients what we refer to as our compliance services. For business personal property clients, these services are a part of the annual management fee collected that includes the filing of the return.  

What is lesser known is that our compliance services are an option for our real estate clients as well. This would include tracking our clients’ assessment notices, tracking tax bills, providing electronic tax bill approvals, sending multiple reports per year outlining account status and estimated property tax amounts for budget/accrual purposes, and managing all of this property tax information in an online user web access portal. With a secure username and password, our clients can view their property tax information and run customized reports. 

Another area of expertise some may not have experienced with PVS is our audit defense services. The word AUDIT can be scary, and for good reason. Audits can drag on for years, the statute period can be extended retroactively should the auditor find cause, and the potential back taxes, penalties and interest have literally bankrupted companies.  

First, know that PVS’ filings are respected as top in the industry. Any asset revaluation work that goes into filing a return will include all backup data, likely communicated preemptively with the assessor prior to the return being filed, and we promise our clients that we will defend any and all reductions we made if they were to be called into question during an audit.  

But going a step further, you never know when you will randomly be selected for a property tax audit. Most states have some sort of audit program, where certain states like California audit regularly every four years. Our experts have handled thousands of audits including everything from minimal concern random audits to multi-million-dollar assessments for major hospitals. We know how to mitigate liabilities and work with the Auditor to reduce findings so that you pay as little as possible.  

So why consolidate all of your property tax responsibilities into one trusted building? Let me explain.

First, there was a prior article written pertaining to Lease Hold Improvements (LHI). In summary, these are the physical changes made inside a building so that the owner of the business can operate the business. At times, these improvements are considered real estate as they are a significant change to the inside of the building. Others consider these changes as business personal property as they are considered temporary additions to run the business. Without giving an opinion, the point is that often these are taxed by both the real estate assessor and the personal property assessor. If you do not have a firm handle on both, this could be easily missed.  

It is also a good idea to utilize our compliance services so that both your real estate and business personal property information can be managed for you, and the information be uploaded to our online client web-access site for your convenience. This will allow you to view both business personal property and real estate information in one location.

Bottom line is that PVS is known across the country as the preeminent representation for healthcare organizations. This expertise isn’t just lip service; understanding healthcare equipment, healthcare building specifications and healthcare services has meant hundreds of millions of dollars in savings. These companies are owned and operated by former healthcare executives, tax experts and healthcare professionals.  

If you work with PVS but feel there are other areas we could be further adding to the benefits being provided, please do not hesitate to reach out.

We offer all our clients what we refer to as our compliance services. For business personal property clients, these services are a part of the annual management fee collected that includes the filing of the return. 

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What Should You Be Paying For Business Personal Property Tax?

What Should You Be Paying For
Business Personal Property Tax?

Why are you paying excessive property taxes?


The world of Business Personal Property (BPP) Tax can be as simplistic or as complex as you want it to be. For most companies, this type of tax is not a priority. There are numerous other tax responsibilities weighing on a tax or accounting department that require a much larger time commitment. The fact that BPP is one of your company’s largest annual liabilities becomes outweighed by the lack of attention it really needs… so why waste the time?


In general, a companies accounting/tax department or outsourced firm files returns correctly: taking the acquisition cost of an asset, ensuring the asset is on an appropriate county depreciation table, and doing some simple math until you reach a new value each year totaling the sum of your assets’ depreciated values. Simple enough, anyone can do it…why overcomplicate the process?

Most companies do not realize that BPP is subjective. They mistakenly consider it an algebra problem they cannot affect; there is one answer for ‘x’. However, what they do not realize is that each asset’s acquisition cost does not equal its taxable cost. Every taxing jurisdiction across the country has outlined statutes regarding what is taxable and what is not, for property tax purposes. Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with book value, this is specifically regarding property tax statutes in thousands of taxing jurisdictions all over the United States. If you have a firm who prioritizes BPP enough to have developed multiple proven revaluation methodologies, then you likely also have significantly lower Business Personal Property Tax liabilities. Unfortunately, even most property tax firms are focused on real estate property tax and BPP filings become a completed side task.


This sounds odd to some; to others it makes perfect sense. Why pay taxes you do not have to? With most jurisdictions’ deadlines looming any day now, finding areas to reduce your BPP tax liability by outsourcing to a firm with this expertise is an easy way to make an impactful boost to your bottom line profitability. Healthcare facilities, manufacturing companies, even movie theaters have seen millions of dollars in increased margins by simply having PVS file their returns on an annual basis.


Business Personal Property Tax can be incredibly simple, it can also be intimidatingly complex, and the difference depends on whether or not you want to continue paying excessive property taxes you do not owe. The bottom line is that you can affect your tax liability, so take control.


Why does PVS spend the time, why do we complicate the process?


Because we can.

It is rare for a consulting firm to house MAI Appraisers, let alone have two on staff.  Property Valuation Services strives to provide the highest level of expertise to our Clients, including presenting the highest level of credibility to an assessor when debating values.

Keep an eye out for our next post, as property tax deadlines are approaching fast!

Business Personal Property Tax can be incredibly simple, it can also be intimidatingly complex, and the difference depends on whether or not you want to continue paying excessive property taxes you do not owe.

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MAI Appraisers in Nashville

MAI Appraisers In Nashville

One of our partners, along with our Technical Director for Real Estate, recently spent a week in Nashville at a continuing education class to maintain their MAI designation and appraisal licenses. If unfamiliar, MAI is the highest designation for an appraiser established by the Appraisal Institute. To become an MAI an individual must have good moral character, be a Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, hold a bachelor’s degree, meet standards and ethics requirements, pass rigorous education requirements, pass a challenging final comprehensive examination, receive credit for over 9,000 hours of valuation experience, and receive credit for the demonstration of knowledge requirement. To maintain this designation and appraisal licenses, continuing education classes are required to build and maintain skills and depth of valuation methodologies.


It is rare for a consulting firm to house MAI Appraisers, let alone have two on staff.  Property Valuation Services strives to provide the highest level of expertise to our Clients, including presenting the highest level of credibility to an Assessor when debating values.


Keep an eye out for our next post, as property tax deadlines are approaching fast!

To maintain this designation and appraisal licenses, continuing education classes are required to build and maintain skills and depth of valuation methodologies.

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A True Property Tax System Designed By Tax Professionals

A True Property Tax System Designed By
Tax Professionals For Tax Professionals

Here at Property Valuation Services we use PVSpts, a proprietary tax consulting software developed to address our real and personal property tax needs. This system was developed by tax professionals, for tax professionals. Through continuous development over the last 19 years it has been adapted to clients’ requests, to comply with evolving taxing rules, to improve efficiency, and to utilize technological improvements. The software package allows us to track clients’ parcels, assets, and associated taxes to ensure proper compliance and valuation.


Many of our clients need assistance in the area of personal property tax compliance. The proper tracking, reporting, assessing and taxation of tangible personal property assets is a challenging process without the proper tax compliance software. Our PVSpts system allows for the detailed review of our clients books and records through our proprietary database to identify areas of potential tax savings. Additionally, once these assets have been entered into our system, PVS ultimately maintains an additional set of property tax books reflecting our clients assets in detail. This is extremely helpful to allow for the accurate reporting of these assets each year as these returns are typically required on a yearly basis. This continual requirement poses a problem if these returns must be created from scratch each year. In addition to this accuracy, this software also allows our firm the ability to compute, file and argue for the most aggressive final assessed values for our clients.


Property Tax is an extremely deadline driven arena. As such, a software system is critical to remind of impending tasks. These deadlines tend to be specific to each individual taxing jurisdiction. This can ultimately result in a tremendous volume of time sensitive actionable deadlines for each client’s property. Once each property is loaded into our software system, our consultants begin tracking each deadline and preparing appropriately. Our database contains years of compiled information concerning these impending deadlines providing our consultants and clients the ability to navigate with ease.


Finally, through the PVSpts system, our compliance clients can access their data via the web. Clients can access electronic copies of documents such as tax returns, assessment notices, and tax bills. Additionally, customizable reports are available.

Our PVSpts system allows for the detailed review of our clients books and records through our proprietary database to identify areas of potential tax savings.

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Visiting Clients in Tennessee

Visiting Clients in Tennessee

A partner and Vice President with PVS just arrived today in Tennessee to visit with many of our high-profile Healthcare clients. Alongside them is our Director of SALT Solutions, who was requested by one of the many clients we have in Tennessee.


As many of you already know, we cut our teeth in Healthcare. Two of our partners, a former Healthcare executive and a former Healthcare Property Tax Director, who worked for the largest for-profit Healthcare Company at the time, formed PVS to fill a niche that existed in Personal Property for Healthcare. That niche has grown into providing Compliance, Assessment Reduction and Audit Property Tax services for Business Personal Property and Real Estate for over 700 clients nationwide. Additionally, the same partners formed the company State and Local Tax Solutions, or SALT Solutions, to fill a need for Sales and Use Tax Consulting that is independent and non-biased. With both PVS and SALT Solutions having niche expertise in Healthcare taxes we often work side-by-side in harmony for our clients.


PVS makes an attempt to see as many clients as possible every off-season. We want to make certain that our clients have a voice regarding our services, providing insights on the services that are working and the ones that are needing tweaks.


Our business does not exist without the work of our highly skilled staff being held accountable by the needs of our clients.


Wish us all the best as we traverse the ever-changing Healthcare market that is ever-expanding in Tennessee. Happy Father’s Day to all!

If you didn’t file an annual appeal this summer, Texas offers a second chance protest opportunity called a 25.25 appeal, filed before your taxes on the property become delinquent.

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Texas Property Tax Appeal Options

Texas Property Tax Appeal Options

Texas is heating up…right now! As a Texas property owner or lessee, you are either in property tax assessment reduction negotiations, attending protest hearings, or just finished your ARB proceedings and are awaiting your result. Remember, if you did not obtain the value you wanted, further appeal options may be available. 


PVS is skilled in navigating our clients through property tax litigation, often obtaining additional value reductions through informal settlements or mediation. You have just 60 days to file to District Court once you receive your Board order, so don’t delay. If you didn’t file an annual appeal this summer, Texas offers a second chance protest opportunity called a 25.25 appeal, filed before your taxes on the property become delinquent. Your assessment must either contain a material physical error, such as erroneous sq. footage, or it must be 1/3 over market value to file this form of appeal. 


This alternative is very intensive and is better discussed personally, so give PVS a call to determine if you qualify. We can be reached at 913-498-0790. You will not be disappointed!

If you didn’t file an annual appeal this summer, Texas offers a second chance protest opportunity called a 25.25 appeal, filed before your taxes on the property become delinquent.

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Tax Bills: Your Best Steps

Tax Bills: Your Best Steps

A common and unfortunate property tax misstep for companies can involve tax bills.  Keeping track of what you owe in property taxes seems easy, right?  Maybe not…

Tax bills look completely different from one jurisdiction to another. Keeping track of what you owe, who it should be paid to, when the deadlines are, whether or not there is a discounted amount if you pay it early, are there installment options, and comparing the bills against the original Assessment Notices to ensure the amounts are all correct can create problems.  This is all assuming a company has a solid process so that the person responsible receives the tax bill in the first place.

Keeping track of what you owe, including to whom it should be paid and when the deadlines are, as well as determining if there is a discounted amount for early payment or installment options and comparing the bills against the original Assessment Notices to ensure the amounts are all correct can create problems.

PVS offers a large array of services, one important service being our Tax Bill Approvals.  Instead of hoping you receive your tax bill and can translate it, let us track your notices and tax bills for you.  We will not only upload these documents into your secure online Client Web Access account, but we will review your tax bills for accuracy and send a standardized Tax Bill Approval via email.  This email will list who you send the payment to, when the deadline is, what discounted dates or installments are available, and how much to pay.  We will also attach the original tax bill to your email for your records.

Tax Bill Approvals are just one of many services we provide that set us apart from other tax firms.  Let us know how we can best help you.

No one enjoys paying their property tax bill, but paying penalties for an oversight can be frustrating.

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